Mankind's deepest fear rises again in this suspense-packed fourth installment of the terrifying Jaws saga. Police Chief Brody's widow, Ellen (Lorraine Gary), faces her worst nightmare when her son, Sean, is killed by a colossal, bloodthirsty shark. Determined to be with the rest of her grieving family, she flies to the Bahamas, where she meets a charming airplane pilot (Michael Caine). Just as it looks like she might have a chance to start anew, her granddaughter is attacked by an all-too-familiar Great White. Determined to end the terror once and for all, Ellen heads out on the waters for a showdown to the death. Filled with chills, spills and some of the most shocking action sequences ever filmed, Jaws: The Revenge is one of the most stunning adventures ever… and this time it's personal.
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